[Ncabs] NCABS Updates and Information

Brice Smith brsmith24 at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 21 03:35:12 UTC 2009

Hello Everyone,

I hope your fall semester is off to a great start! On Saturday September 12, the North Carolina Association of Blind Students held our 2009-2010 elections. Here are the results:

President: Brice Smith
First Vice-President: Cindy Bennett
Second Vice-President: Justin Salisbury
Secretary: Sharon Newton
Treasurer: Sean Mealin

I appreciate all of you who came out last Saturday to vote and help us with our elections, and I know this will be a great year for NCABS. Among other things, we would like to host another student seminar next spring similar to the one held this year.

To start things off, our next monthly conference call will be held on October 13, 2009 at 9:00 PM. Our secretary will send out a reminder the week before the call with the call-in number and pin code. We hope you can join us!

The North Carolina Association of Blind Students uses an on-line e-mail subscribers list for communication, and we would love it If everyone would join. The list currently receives very light traffic, and it would make the process of sending out mails and notifications much simpler If everyone would sign up for our e-mail list.

to sign up, follow the steps below.

1) go to www.nfbnet.org
2) Navigate to the first link of the page, which says "join or drop NFBnet mailing lists."
3) Find the link that says "NCABS."
4) Follow the subscriber instructions on the main page. You must enter your e-mail address; If you wish, you can create a password or one will automatically be generated for you.
5) You will be sent an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription. Follow the instructions in the e-mail.

To send a message to the list, simply send your message to NCABS at nfbnet.org.

Remember that the National Association of Blind Students hosts a website of their own at:

Trust me -- there is a lot of useful information for students all gathered on this website which was created by other blind and visually impaired students.

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to an awesome year with NCABS!


Brice Smith
President, North Carolina Association of Blind Students.
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