[Ncabs] March 8, 2010 monthly conference call

sharon_newton sharon_newton at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 10 19:05:20 UTC 2010

Hello Everyone:

Although I received the conference call meeting notification, it is my understanding that others did not.  I am very frustrated and sorry this happened.  I am not sure what is wrong, but I am working to figure it out!  If your e-mail or phone number has changed in the last year, please e-mail me personally at sharon_newton at bellsouth.net so I can update my list.  See you at the student seminar on March 20!  It is going to be great!

Below are the minutes for the March 8 conference call:

North Carolina Association of Blind Students

Monthly Conference Call minutes- March 8, 2010

Members present:  Brice Smith, Cindy Bennett, Sharon Newton,  Dasha Radford, Tina Toler,  Gary Ray.

Student Seminar – Cindy  Bennett.   Deadline for registration is March 10, 2010.  The registration form is on the ncabs.org website.  

Our philosophy question for this month:  When do we as blind individuals  educate the public about our blindness?  

Our next conference call will be April 12, 2010 at 9:30 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted

Sharon Newton



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