[Ncabs] Continuation on First Semester Discussion

Jewel S. herekittykat2 at gmail.com
Wed May 12 02:33:04 UTC 2010

Hey all,

At the end of the conference call, several of us talked about first
semester of college...what class load is best, what a new student
shouldn't take and should or shouldn't do, and such like that. I'd
like to continue this discussion on the list here. So...

What did you take your first semester of college? Why did you choose
those classes, and did it go well? If you could go back and do it
again, what would you have done differently, and why? What advice do
you have for a college freshman preparing for their first semester in

For myself, I'll be starting my first semester in the fall. Not
technically, since I did a few semesters at another college in
2003-2004, but that didn't go well, and I dropped out to concentrate
on my work as a nanny. However, this will be my first semester as a
blind student, though I did have the physical problems then that I do
now (back and neck problems, balance issues, memory lapses). Priority
registration is next week, and I'm pondering my course load. Talking
to the advisor, we came up with the following:

English 111...basic Freshman English (my best subject, so an easy one)
Communications 120...Interpersonal Relationships
Psychology 150...General Psychology (One of my favourite subjects, and
one I found pretty easy in high school)
Spanish 111...Freshman Spanish (I did three years of Spanish in high
school and while I'm rusty, I can communicate in Spanish with some

This courseload is for an Associate of Arts Transfer degree toward a
Bachelor's in Elementary Education, which I hope to transfer to Peace
College here in Raleigh to obtain. What do y'all think?

Feel free to share your first semester or plans for your first
semester, your thoughts and advice, tips and hints. I'd love to hear

~Jewel Shuping
Raleigh, NC
Wake Tech Community College

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