[Ncabs] Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu
Sun Oct 3 20:38:10 UTC 2010

Hello fellow NCABS members. This is Preston, once again, reminding everyone to actively participate in our Krispy Kreme fundraiser. I have a form which can use to presell doughnuts. If we manage to sell one hundred dozensof original glazed doughnuts, we get them for only three dollars a dozen. That will make a three hundred dollar proffit on one fundraiser. I personally challenge each and every board member to sell twenty dozens each. Ask parents, teachers, fellow students, cab drivers, church members, friends, and even enemies. Let's all rally together to make this a sucessful funraiser. Thanks!
Preston S. Johnson
Vice President
psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu

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