[Ncabs] Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu
Mon Sep 27 11:18:44 UTC 2010

Hello fellow NCABS members. For those of you that do not know, we have a Krispy Kreme fundraiser coming up this week. This is the way the fundraiser works. 
1.We purchase a minimum of twenty five tickets from Krispy Kreme for three dollars and fifty cents each
2.The tickets are redeemable for a free dozen of doughnuts, which sell retail for over seven dollars
3. We sell our Krispy Kreme tickets for six dollars each.
4. We make two dollars and fifty cents from each ticket we sell. We also save people over one dollar for a dozen doughnuts and they get to feel good about themselves for helping blind students. 
Ant input, thoughts or ideas would be greatly apreciated. Thank you!
Preston S Johnson
Vice President
psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu

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