[Ncabs] Minutes

Currin, Kevin kwcurrin at live.unc.edu
Tue Dec 13 03:38:02 UTC 2011

Fellow Blind Students:

Minutes follow:

Griffin Lynch 
Preston Johnson
Lea Williams  (Vice President)
Kevin Currin (Secretary)
Justin Salisbury (President)
Justin Thornton (Webaster)
Cindy Bennett 

Call to order 9:38

Cindy talked about Pennies for pages fund raiser for NABS. Pennies for pages Is a fund raiser that sponsors people for how much Braille they read. Top three states with the most money raised will get a portion of the proceeds. Email will be sent to list serve.

NABS Rep for student seminar
Shelby Ball from Georgia is our rep. We would be responsible for her hotel, transportation to seminar, and food expenses., but not airfare.
NABS rep could provide sense of national presence, could give us idea of how we are doing on national level, and provide any expertise that he/she has.
Hotel costs can be split with other NCABS members who are staying in hotel, most cost will come from transportation from hotel to conference.
Money doesn’t seem to be a large issue. 
Lea will be researching to see how NABS reps worked in other states.

Positive responses from fishing tournament and Winston Salem Industries for the Blind

Start recruiting after January call.

Washington Seminar
Cindy gave a description of Washington Seminar:
Annual event at start of Febrary when about 500 people across nation go to Washington to visit their respective Congressman. 
NFB usually chooses to pursue 3 main topics each year. Students break up into groups of 3 and talk to Congressman on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 
Chance to see bills that you supported get passed, know your making a difference.
Pretty expensive trip.
Could possibly get sponsorship to help with costs.
NCABS has provided some sponsorship in the past, we could possibly provide sponsorship to 2012 Washington Seminar.
Agreed on giving Lea a $150 sponsorship to attend Washington Seminar if we have at least $1300 in account.

Adjourned: somewhere in the area of 10:30

Thanks and happy holidays!


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