[Ncabs] urgent legislative action needed now--contacting representatives about merger

Cindy Bennett clb5590 at gmail.com
Tue May 3 03:12:40 UTC 2011

Good Evening, All.

There is a chance that an amendment may be introduced in the house
tomorrow which would do away with the merger provision in the House
budget. At this point stop contacting senators until further notice.
Redouble your efforts on Representatives. Tell them the following in
your own words, but don’t add to or take away from it. If an amendment
is introduced on the House floor to stop the merger of Services for
the Blind, Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and Vocational
Rehabilitation cutting the funding from elsewhere, please vote for it.

On a very positive note Accessible Electronic Information System for
the Blind and Disabled is in the House Version of the budget. There’s
no need to mention this.

Let’s keep those phone calls and emails coming!! First call your own
representative. Then call others in your area. Lastly contact any
Representative in the State.

Thanks for your great work!!


Cindy Bennett
UNC Wilmington Psychology major

clb5590 at gmail.com

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