[Ncabs] Become an Imaginator in The Race for Independence!

Cindy Bennett clb5590 at gmail.com
Wed May 18 03:36:19 UTC 2011

Become an Imaginator in the Race for Independence!

The Race for Independence is an annual fundraiser for the National
Federation of the Blind. Many of us have received generous benefits
from the NFB such as academic scholarships, attendance scholarships to
conventions, and advocacy. This is our turn to give back so the NFB
can continue to positively affect the lives of blind and visually
impaired people like us each day. Tell your friends and family what
the NFB means to you, and encourage them to race with us to our goal!
You can work together with your chapter, division, or group of
friends! Have a 50/50 raffle, or raffle off a couple of gift cards.
Those are quick and easy fundraisers that can help us speed even
beyond the finish line!

Our goal is to become one of the highest donating states so we can
achieve presidential recognition and change what it means to be blind
for countless people!

Where does the money go?

The donations support grants which are disseminated to many state and
local affiliates and divisions like yours!

With these grants, state and local affiliates can fund events for
members as well as ways to educate the public and gain new members!

Donations also support the Jernigan Institute which facilitates
countless events for blind children, youth, and adults annually such
as Youth Slam!

How do I become an Imaginator?

Donate conveniently online like me! Visa, Discover, and MasterCards
are accepted. You can also have money directly withdrawn from your
bank account. Visit
and click on "support Gary."

To donate via mail, send a check made out to the NFB to:
Gary Ray
18 Sandon Drive
Asheville, NC 28804

You can call Gary at 828.505.0299, or Cindy Bennett at 828.989.5383.

Let's see how well we can race!

Cindy Bennett
B.A. Psychology, UNC Wilmington

clb5590 at gmail.com

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