[Ncabs] Going to Dallas for NFB Convention

Gary H. Ray ghraynfbofnc at charter.net
Sat Apr 14 12:52:14 UTC 2012

Fellow Federationists:

See below for info on a person going to Dallas.

I was thinking of driving out to Dalias tx for the NFB National
Convention.  Do you know one
or 2 people that would perhaps like to ride and help with the gas?

Please post this notice and ask people to email me at dlamonds at nc.rr.com or
call 919-274-6880

I would also have one extra spacein the room, single/double people I believe
is $43 per night 3/4 persons to a room $48 per night, also take into account
that they will have tax added on to the room


Daniel lamonds

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