[Ncabs] February 2012 Conference Call: its worth it to be punctual

Currin, Kevin kwcurrin at live.unc.edu
Thu Feb 9 21:58:23 UTC 2012

Hello fellow blind students of North Carolina (and everyone on this list serve who isn't a blind student)!

I'm failing pretty hard at coming up with a funny introduction, so I'm just gonna use a lot of exclamation points and capital letters:

February 13!
NCABS Conference Call 9:30 pm!
PHONE NUMBER: 712-432-3900 
Access Code:  3866158!

Ok with all the concise excitement aside, we are having a pretty cool info session on this call. Patti Gregory-Chang, President of the NFB of Illinois and Chair of the NFB Scholarship Committee, will be joining us to talk about the national scholarship program. However, she will start the info session at 9:30 as the first part of the call, so if you don't call in on time you might miss the info session. Being punctual is important (I'm really not the one to be telling anyone this haha). But seriously this is a really good chance to get any of your questions answered about applying for the national scholarship or just for learning what the national scholarship is all about. 

We will also be talking about the student seminar and probably some other stuff. So if you are wondering what that other stuff is, come join us! You may even get to present new stuff for us to talk about.

Stay fly,


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