[Ncabs] March 2012 Minutes
Currin, Kevin
kwcurrin at live.unc.edu
Tue Mar 13 02:43:34 UTC 2012
Hello Fellow blind students and everyone else:
Here are the minutes:
Justin Thornton (Webmaster)
Justin Salisbury (President)
Gary Ray (NFB of NC President)
Brice Smith
Kevin Currin (Secretary)
Shelby (NABS Rep)
Alan Chase (Treasurer)
Meeting called to order at 9:36 pm.
Breakout Sessions
Shelby will be doing the dating and relationships in college breakout session.
Kevin will be doing the getting involved on a college campus and the community if Justin Salisbury is busy.
There is a survey that Gary Ray posted on the NCABS list that everyone should checkout.
Registration and NCABS Table
Kevin and Justin Salisbury will be at the registration table from 8:30 until 10. Justin Salisbury will be at the registration table from 10 to 11. Lea and Shelby will be at the NCABS table from 9 until 10. Kevin and Lea will be at the NCABS table from 10 to 11. Justin and Shelby will be at the NCABS table from 11 to 11:30. Kevin and Shelby will be at the NCABS table from 11:30 until 12.
Afternoon Opening Session
In our session from 1:15 to 1:45 we will have an introductory afternoon session. We would like to have each NCABS officer speak for a bit. Justin Salisbury will speak about on what the NF B can do for you, Lea will talk about NCABS, Shelby will talk about NABS, Alan will talk about local chapters, Kevin will talk about Youth Slam.
Door Prizes
Alan agreed to give away the door prizes. We are going to give away $100 in cash for the final door prize.
Treasurer’s Report
Currently we have 13 students, 4 parents, and 2 professionals that have sent in their money. However, 23 people have registered and Shelby said that she knows of 2 more people that haven’t registered that will come.
Philosophy Discussions
We have the wrestling room reserved so we can have philosophy discussions if people get done with the exhibit hall early. We need someone to lead these discussions. Shelby said that she’s knows of two people from Georgia that are coming that would be interested in helping out with the discussions.
We are planning on ordering 40 braille and 40 large print agendas.
Meeting adjourned at 10:21 pm.
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