[Ncabs] Legislative work

sharon_newton sharon_newton at bellsouth.net
Fri Jul 12 13:47:04 UTC 2013

Hello Everyone:

1. NFB-National wants us to call our senators to urge them to vote for Thomas Perez for Secretary of Labor. This vote will come up sometime in July, so it is not too early to begin letting our opinions be known and counted. Both offices request phone calls, and neither would give me the e-mail address of anyone "heading up" this issue. When you call, please speak clearly. Ask the person answering to put this opinion on the appropriate list (each office assures me they are keeping a running tally of calls). I always ask the recipient of my message to "read it back to me so I can be sure I have been clear". 
Senator Kay Hagan: 202-224-6342
Senator Richard Burr: 202-224-3154

2. Representative Holding has cosponsored HR 164 - access to free space on military aircraft for 100% service-disabled veterans. If your rep has not cosponsored this bill, or the minimum wages bill, please keep up the pressure.

3. If you have not signed the petition supporting the Fair Wages for Persons with Disabilities Act please go to the national website (nfb.org) and do so. The info about you which is entered stays at National so no worries about confidentiality. 

We are making progress! Sometimes it seems so slow, but every call, every signature, every cosponsor and every vote counts! 

Thanks to each of you!

Sharon Newton

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