[Ncabs] FW: [Nfbnet-master-list] Streaming of National Convention

Gary Ray ghraynfbofnc at charter.net
Wed Jun 26 21:35:30 UTC 2013

NFB of NC Folks:


Here is info on streaming of the National Convention.  Listen in if you
can't be there!


Gary Ray



Streaming of National Convention

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) will once again provide live
streaming of key portions of the 2013 NFB National Convention. We will
provide a live stream of the meeting of the Board of Directors, all general
sessions, and the convention banquet. Links for more information and to the
convention stream itself will soon be posted on the NFB home page at

In addition to the live streaming provided by the NFB, our media partner,
RNIB's Insight Radio-the radio station of the Royal National Institute of
Blind People-will provide additional convention coverage, including
interviews with convention speakers and participants, as well as features
about convention activities and events outside of the general sessions.
RNIB's Insight Radio will also cover the presidential report and convention
banquet live, and will make the rest of the convention available on demand.
Insight Radio will be providing this additional content throughout the week
of convention via its Insight Extra Internet service, which can be accessed
at http://www.insightradio.co.uk/extra.html.

If you can't attend convention this year, or if you just can't get enough of
the energy and enthusiasm that is the NFB national convention, accessing our
live stream and the additional content provided by RNIB's Insight Radio is a
great way to keep up with everything that's happening. See you online!


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