[Ncabs] minutes for tonight's call

Veronica Puente brl3517 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 03:55:11 UTC 2013

Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2013

Starting time 9:30 P.M. Ending time 10:40 P.M.  Attendance
Alan Chase (President)
Kevin Currin ( First Vice-President)
Bobbi (Second VicePresident)
Veronica Puente (Secretary)
Eric Galindo
First we talked about our student sections. Our student trakc  will
start at 1  P.M. Saturday September 14. From 1  to 2:45 P.M. we will
talk about business and new constitutional amendments. As well as
anything all of you would like to see on NCABS for next year. We will
select new officers. Oh and do not forget we get to pie the president!
Who would it be Alan or Gary? Come and join us to find out!Around 3:45
P.M. to 4:15 we will have each new subdivision of NCABS meet.    From
4:15 P.M. we will have a self defense until 5:30 P.M.
Second,  Bobbi talked about a project that has to be done in one of
her classes. The idea is to have someone live in such a way that this
person can learn what is like to live in different conditions. Bobbi
wanted to make it in a way that the students live in a way that they
can see for themselves what is like to be blind. Different ideas were
thrown  out there during the meeting, but she is not sure of what she
is going to be doing yet.
Third, We talked about help with the cost of  convension. We set apart
200 dollars and this is going to be use for the rent of the room where
we are going to have our meeting.
Fourth, We will give to the NFB of NC 1/3 of whatever we make selling
our snack bags, and also the money we get from pieing the president.
Fifth, If any of you want to run for an officer be ready to give a
speech during the meeting and we will voet for the new officers.
We hope to see you at our convention On Saturday September 14!

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