[Ncabs] NABS Presents: Back to SchoolMembership Call

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 03:30:41 UTC 2013

Hello Fellow Scholars,
  I know you've been waiting  in eager anticipation of  the Next National  Association of Blind Students  Membership Call.  Not wanting to keep you waiting for too terribly  long, it's probably high time we  deliver.
 The National Association of Blind Students Presents:  getting  Back  to School, tips and techniques.
    Join some of your fellow  students as we talk about ways to sussed in the classroom and on campus.

 Date: Sunday 9/22/2013

 Time: 7p.m. EST, 4p.m. PST 
 Call: (605) 405-6700 code: 786-9673
 should you  have any questions,  Please contact Darian Smith, membership committee chair at 
dsmithnfb at gmail.com


Darian Smith
2nd Vice President, National Association of Blind Students
dsmithnfb at gmail.com

Follow the National Association of Blind Students on twitter: @nabslink
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