sharon_newton sharon_newton at bellsouth.net
Mon Jun 23 21:55:35 UTC 2014

See below please!  Thank you all so much for all your hard work!

Sharon Newton
Legislative Committee
----- Original Message ----- 
From: sharon_newton 
To: rbroadnax at frontier.com ; lsm4 at ctc.net ; gl28davis at aol.com ; jcbarlow at skybest.com ; dawsonhart313 at gmail.com ; whouse at nc.rr.com ; Vaniette Huntley ; Lusi Radford ; Miriam Dixon Home ; Alan A. Chase GMS AA ; Boyce Locklear ; Julius Locklear ; tmj2 at gmail.com ; locagirl at windstream.net ; joynjesus at live.com ; angusparker at suddenlink.net ; foxca01 at gmail.com ; tmjnc2 at gmail.com ; ncabs at nfbnet.org ; nfbofnc at nfbnet.org ; sharon_newton at bellsouth.net 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 5:40 PM

Hello Everyone!

Below in quotes is the most pertinent info in Jesse Hartle's update  on the Space Available bills.  Neither North Carolina Senator has signed on to cosponsor S. 346/  Let's communicate our wishes to Senator Burr and Senator Hagan.  

Contact info:
Burr:  202-224-3154 Email:  matthew_dockham at burr.senate.gov
Hagan:  202-224-6342  Email:   shaniqua_mcclendon at hagan.senate.gov  

When you send emails please cc Jesse Hartle at jhartle at nfb.org so he will have a better sense of what we are doing in North Carolina.

Also, please plan to contact the Congress person or the transportation aide in your Congress person's "local office" to discuss S. 346 in person.   If you do not know the location and/pr phone number, his/her Washington, D.C. office will provide this information.  For   If the local office is not in your home town, please arrange with the aide a mutually appropriate meeting place, such as a quiet restaurant.  These aides cover around 20 counties each so they are use to much driving and meeting out of the office with constituents.  
Jesse's info:

". . . . the United States House of Representatives passed its version of the fiscal year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act, HR 4435. I am pleased to let you know that once again the House included an amendment that would allow Service Disabled Veterans to participate in the space available program; this is what we have been pushing for in HR 164  . . . . I am calling for action to build support for S 346; this is our Senate companion bill offered by Senator Tester. We must urge Senators to cosponsor S 346; Senators can be added as a cosponsor by contacting Jorge Rueda on Senator Tester’s staff. . . . . . The Senate will soon take up consideration of its version of the National Defense Authorization Act, and we must maximize our support on this issue. As you all know, last year Senator Tester was not allowed to bring his amendment to the floor in the Senate and we cannot miss out on this opportunity again during this session. You can be connected with your Senate offices by calling the Capitol switch-board at 202-224-3121. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you all in advance for your work on this important matter. "Jesse

 Thank you, everyone, for every call and e-mail.  Together, with perseverance and intelligent discussion, we can get this through the Senate, too!





Sharon Newton

Legislative Committee

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