[Ncabs] Good Reading

Alan A. Chase aachase1 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 03:39:28 UTC 2014

Here is some great reading material to get everyone prepared to return
to class from Spring Break......

Scientists from UNC's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
(FPG) today reported that Georgia's Pre-K Program produces significant
positive outcomes for children, regardless of family income level or
English language skills. FPG's research on nearly 1,200 children
reveals strong results in language, literacy, math, and general
knowledge for students enrolled in the state's universal pre-k

The full story is here:

Alan A. Chase, M.Ed.
Exceptional Children Program Facilitator, Durham Public Schools
Program Coordinator, Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat
President, North Carolina Association of Blind Students
Secretary, Governor Morehead School Alumni Association

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