[Ncabs] Proposed Federal Rulemaking

Alan A. Chase aachase1 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 23:05:50 UTC 2015

Notice of petition for rulemaking; request for comments.

Document Citation:

80 FR 50593


50593 -50594 (2 pages)


49 CFR 37

Agency/Docket Number:

Docket DOT-OST-2015-0075

Document Number:


Shorter URL:


This document seeks public comments on a petition for rulemaking from
Access Services concerning the Department's regulations implementing the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with respect to the method of
determining the fare for a trip charged to an ADA paratransit eligible
user. The petition asks the Department to revise its regulation to allow
for a “coordinated” or two-tier fare structure. The current regulation
provides that the fare shall not exceed twice the fare that would be
charged to an individual paying full fare for a similar trip on the fixed
route system.

Comments must be received by September 21, 2015.

Please submit your comments by only one of the following methods:

   - *Online:* Use the Federal eRulemaking portal at
   <http://www.regulations.gov/>* and follow the instructions for
   submitting comments.
   - *U.S. Mail:* Send your comments to the Docket Management Facility,
   U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., W12-140,
   Washington, DC 20590-0001.
   - *Hand Delivery or Courier:* Go to Room W12-140 on the ground floor of
   the West Building, U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters, 1200 New
   Jersey Avenue SE., between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern-time, Monday through
   Friday except Federal holidays.
   - *Telefax:* Send your comments to 202-493-2251.

*Instructions:* All comments must include the docket number for this
rulemaking: DOT-OST-2015-0075. Submit two copies of your comments if you
submit them by mail. For confirmation that DOT received your comments,
include a self-addressed, stamped postcard. All comments received will be
posted without change to *http://www.regulations.gov
<http://www.regulations.gov/>,* including any personal information

*Docket Access:* For access to background documents and comments received
in the rulemaking docket, go to *http://www.regulations.gov
<http://www.regulations.gov/>* or to the U.S. Department of Transportation,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590 between
9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday except Federal holidays.

Alan A. Chase, M.Ed.
Exceptional Children Program Facilitator, Durham Public Schools
President & Director, Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat

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