[Ncabs] Conference call tonight

Kenia Flores kenia.flores101 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 13:32:41 UTC 2015

Good morning all,

Please join us tonight for our last conference call of 2015 at 8pm
eastern. Please call 712-432-3900 and enter code 3866158. The agenda
is below.
I look forward to talking to you all tonight!

1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
 3. Treasurer’s Report
 4. Committee Reports
         A. Communications
         B. Event Planning
         C. Fundraising
         D. Legislation
         E. Membership
 5. Washington Seminar
         A. NCABS Funding Recipients & Policies
         B. Hotel & Transportation
 6. NABS Updates
 7. New NCABS Contest
 8. Questions, comments, and concerns
 9. Adjournment

Kenia Flores
Secretary, North Carolina Association of Blind Students
Vice President, The Foundation For Tomorrow- MPHS Chapter

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