[Ncabs] NASA Summer 2015 Internships for Students with Disabilities: Apply Now! Please Distribute Far and Wide!

Kathryn Webster kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 17:47:10 UTC 2015

If you have graduated or will graduate before Summer 2015 and will not be in school next Fall, you  are not eligible for this program.  If you will be in school next Fall, you should apply for a NASA education internship on the OSSI website, <intern.nasa.gov>.  OSSI is for high school and college students (undergrad and grad), ages 16 on up, who want a paid Summer work experience.
>> The process for applying is the same whether you have a disability or not.  Attached are a PowerPoint, a recruitment letter for students with disabilities, and a list of frequently asked questions.  This material will help you with the application process.  Please feel free to contact me for help with applying or with any questions after reading these documents.
>> Ken
>> Kenneth A. Silberman, Esq.
>> U.S. Supreme Court, Maryland, & Patent Bars
>> B.A., M.Eng., J.D.
>> NASA Engineer & Registered Patent Attorney
>> Education Office Code 160
>> NASA/GSFC Mailstop 160
>> Bldg. 28 Rm. N165
>> Greenbelt, MD  20771, USA
>> Voice:  (301) 286-9281
>> Fax:  (301) 286-1655
>> E-mail:  kenneth.a.silberman at nasa.gov
>> Office Location:                 Building 28 Room W151

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