[Ncabs] Goal Ball Saturday in Winston Salem

Alan A. Chase aachase1 at gmail.com
Tue May 12 14:04:35 UTC 2015

The EYE Retreat's goal ball teams will compete on Saturday, May 16 from
10am to 12pm at Fulton Family YMCA at 385 Hanes Mill Road in Winston Salem,

Transportation will be provided by reservation only.  You must contact Alan
Chase in advance  We ask you contribute $10 for transportation.

The van will depart at 8am on Saturday, May 16 from Governor Morehead
School at 303 Ashe Ave in front of Lineberry Hall.

The van will stop for lunch following the competition at around 12pm in
Winston Salem.  We anticipate being back in Raleigh by 3pm at Governor
Morehead School.

If you have questions, please let me know.
Alan A. Chase, M.Ed.
Exceptional Children Program Facilitator, Durham Public Schools
President & Director, Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat

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