[Ncabs] Participation Requested for a School Research Project

Kiana Harlan carolinarose422 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 18:06:06 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,
Just a gentle reminder about my survey. I've already had so many
responses. My goal at the beginning of this project was to get at
least 25 responses, but I've gotten so much more. Thanks to everyone
who has taken the time to fill it out and participate. I'm going to
cut off the survey tomorrow night at midnight, so if you were wanting
to fill it out, but haven't had time, please click on the link below.
Once again, thanks so much for all the help!


Best wishes,
Kiana Harlan

On 4/9/17, Kiana Harlan <carolinarose422 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a small favor to ask everyone. I am currently conducting a
> study in my social work research class. It's on hiring and retention
> with people who have disabilities. It's nothing that will be
> published, as I am only in undergrad, but hopefully if it goes well, I
> can continue it in my graduate studies. I have completed certification
> to work with human participants, and I have permission of my
> instructor to distribute this questionnaire. I would appreciate it if
> you guys would be willing to take a few minutes to fill out the
> survey. I will paste the link below. All responses will be
> confidential, and no usernames will be collected from the responses.
> The project is usually a group effort, but I decided to do mine on my
> own, so I will be the only one who sees the responses.
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEG3Eazubh5787qYXZq6XmiUobYxJltVxhT5B-1bSRGtCaPw/viewform?c=0&w=1
> If anyone has any questions or concerns about the study, feel free to ask!
> Thanks,
> Kiana Harlan

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