[Nd-talk] FW: [BANA-Announce] Survey on Quotation Marks & Apostrophes in UEB - Deadline Extended to July 31st

Milton Ota mota1252 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 16:26:06 UTC 2017

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim.Charlson--- via BANA-Announce
[mailto:bana-announce at brailleauthority.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 11:23 AM
To: Bana-Announce at brailleauthority.org
Subject: [BANA-Announce] Survey on Quotation Marks & Apostrophes in UEB -
Deadline Extended to July 31st

The UEB Code Maintenance Committee is seeking opinions on a possible change
to the representation of single quotation marks and apostrophes in UEB.

An explanatory document (in print and braille) and survey link are located
on the ICEB home page at www.iceb.org. 
Please spread the word of the survey through your local listservs, social
media, newsletters, meetings and word-of-mouth. 
It is important that we reach as many people as possible. Adults who read a
lot of electronic braille, adults who read mainly hard copy braille,
teachers of children learning braille and braille transcribers are all
likely to hold different opinions and their voices need to be heard.
Moreover, there is a big difference in the predominance of single quotation
marks in print across countries. 
The survey has been extended and will stay open until July 31st.

The Code Maintenance Committee (CMC) of the International Council on English
Braille (ICEB) would like your input on possible changes to the braille
representation of single quotation marks and the apostrophe to facilitate
translation and reading on electronic braille devices. The explanatory
document gives an explanation of the problem and the options under
consideration. (Thanks to James Bowden, UK, and Leona Holloway, Australia,
for their work on this.) 
After reading the information, please complete the survey at 
www.surveymonkey.com/r/UEB-apostrophe [1] 
to indicate your preference. The CMC will use the results of the survey to
guide their decision on this issue. 
The survey will be available until the end of June. If necessary, this time
frame may be extended. 
Please share this message with any colleagues who may be interested (with
apologies for all the cross-postings I hope this will generate). 
Thanks for your attention to this issue. 
With best regards, 
Phyllis Landon
ICEB Code Maintenance Officer 
[1] http://webmail.anchor.net.au/www.surveymonkey.com/r/UEB-apostrophe
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