[Nebraska-senior-blind] correction on - NFBN Senior division May Meeting is not Sunday, but Monday!

Karen Lemmon via Nebraska-senior-blind nebraska-senior-blind at nfbnet.org
Fri May 16 16:09:01 UTC 2014

Thanks Robert.


From: Nebraska-senior-blind
[mailto:nebraska-senior-blind-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Robert Leslie
Newman via Nebraska-senior-blind
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 8:44 PM
To: 0senior division listserv
Subject: [Nebraska-senior-blind] correction on - NFBN Senior division May
Meeting is not Sunday, but Monday!


Hi you all!

RE: Third notice and major correction on the day for our May phone meeting
for 2014.it is not Sunday, but Monday!


At our last month's meeting, we put our heads together and decided that
Monday evenings would catch more members than a Sunday. And yeah, I spaced
it off! (I hate it when that happens; sorry, but I'm over it, and learn and
go on! Good stuff.)


And so here is what you need to know to join us for our May meeting:

The date: Monday the 19th 

The time for the call: 6:00 PM Mountain and 7:00 PM Central 

The phone number you will dial: 267-507-0400 

Access code: 203747Pound


One thing we need to talk about are, the National NFB Senior Division is now
holding nationwide conference calls. They have held two, May 1st and May
8th. Bob Burns, one of our members, was the speaker for the first call. His
topic was managing your finances, including methods workable for the blind.
Fatos Floyd was the speaker for the second conference. Her topic was family
dynamics of blindness.


The next call will occur on June 4th. The speaker is Jenifer Wensil, and the
topic is cooking by touch. (Times: 2:00 Central, 1;00 Mountain)


The phone number is: 1-712-432-1500 And the access code is: 759633Pound  

You can listen to both conferences by visiting the NFB Senior Division
website at http://seniors.nfb.org and following the links to the conference
recordings page.


A topic we should review, is taking a look at the suggestions which have
been given relating to our two hour lunch/presentation at state convention.
Here is what has been suggested thus far:


Keep moving segment similar to what was done at the national convention last

1.         How to use fitness equipment with digital read outs.

2.        Medical devices such as glucometers, blood pressure devises, etc.

3.        Portable exercise equipment you can take  with you (such as
Barbara and Brad suggested?)

4.        Wellness including feeling good about yourself; putting on
make-up, grooming, etc.

5.        Keeping active with walking, exercising in your home and at a gym.

6.        Mental activities to drive away the blues and depression

Bring any brags and drags, too. (We love to hear about good things that have
happened. We also want to help any member who may have a need.) 


See you all there!


Robert Leslie Newman

Personal Website-

http://www.thoughtprovoker.info <http://www.thoughtprovoker.info/> 

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website-


Chair, NFB Communications Committee

Vice President, Nebraska Senior Division 

First Vice President, Omaha Chapter

Commissioner, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired








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