[Nebraska-senior-blind] NFBN Senior Division May Meeting - Monday the 16th

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Fri May 6 14:57:53 UTC 2016

Hi you all

RE: Get ready for our May phone meeting!


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*The NFB Pledge 

*Minutes & treasurer reports from last meeting are pasted in below &


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday May 16th

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-605-475-6006

Access: 203747Pound


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Note- Robert will not be on the call, Barbara will run the meeting.
Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Nancy will lead pledge)

-Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted



-Discuss and act upon the purchase of the needed memory device and mailer to
get our documentation out to our non-computer users



-discuss topics for future meetings; special guests and/or discussion topics


*#3 Philosophical Discussion: (Barbara will provide us one that will appear
in the next meeting reminder) 


--Finally- Brags & Drags



--If you wish to join the Senior Division, the annual dues are $10.00.
Please make the check payable to the NFBN Senior Division, and mail it to
Cheryl Livingston, 1026 S 35 St, Lincoln NE 68510. 

*#4 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


**Secretary & Treasurer's Reports:


National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska

Senior Division

April 18, 2016 Meeting

 The April 18 meeting began at 7:03 PM (CT) with the introduction by
President Newman of NFB Krafters Division President Joyce Kane (note the
unique spelling of Krafters, it starts with a K, not the normal C). Joyce
spoke of the variety of classes offered and how to join the Krafters
Division. Last year 87 classes were offered to members. To join the Krafters
Division go to their website: www.krafterskorner.org or call in on any
Monday night: 1-605781-1000, access code: 875029#. After $20 annual dues are
paid you will choose your class from the website list. A different phone
number will be sent to you for the class you choose via email. Each class
has a different conference call in number.


Following the presentation by Joyce Kane, President Newman called the
regular meeting to begin. There were 14 members in attendance.


The NF B Pledge was recited, led by Cheryl. Nancy volunteered to lead the
pledge in May.


Secretary Lemmon using JAWS read the Secretary minutes from March. VP
Barbara Loose requested 3 corrections. Corrections were made and the minutes
were approved. (Motion by Linda, second by Barbara)

Treasurer Livingston gave the financial report which was reported with a
balance of $902.95. Report accepted (Motion by Barbara, second by Linda)



Barbara reported that the cartridge case for mailing thumb drives to
individuals who are members of the Senior Division but do not have computers
would be $2.50 each. If we would choose to use the cassette cartridge rather
than the thumb drive, the cassette would cost $3.00.


                Robert asked for future topic ideas. Becky suggested that we
invite a Lions member to attend one of our meetings to promote the Senior
Division and the NFB in general. Karen suggested that we have someone who
has gone into the professional world as a blind person who would be willing
to speak on not only their work but training they have had as well as
technology they utilize.


There was no knowledge of progress on approval by the NFBN Board of the
Senior Division Constitution. President Newman said he plans to attend the
May NFB meeting.



The members offered sympathy to Brad whose sister had passed away.


Kim Richards, a past member who now lives in Aberdeen had to make the
decision to euthanize her long time guide dog, Champ, 



The next meeting will be on May 16th.


There being no further business the meeting ended at 8:04 PM (CT)


Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Lemmon



*REMINDER that the NFBN State convention will be held on the weekend of
October 9, 2016 at the Riverside Inn in Columbus Nebraska. Further details
concerning the Convention will be announced at future phone meetings of the
Senior Division.


***Treasurer's Report:


Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

April 18, 2016


Beginning Balance Mar 21, 2016 $912.95


April PAC plan                                                    $ 10.00



Ending Balance  April 18, 2016     $902.95 

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer





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