[Nebraska-senior-blind] NFBN Senior Division - Updated Membership Roster

Cheryl Livingston clivingston4 at neb.rr.com
Wed Oct 12 01:39:12 UTC 2016

Robert, 10% of the sales of BCanes goes to the senior division.  The rest
goes to the affiliate.  This is at Bob's request.  


From: Nebraska-Senior-Blind
[mailto:nebraska-senior-blind-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Robert Leslie
Newman via Nebraska-Senior-Blind
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:54 AM
To: '0senior division listserv' <nebraska-senior-blind at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Robert Leslie Newman <newmanrl at cox.net>
Subject: [Nebraska-senior-blind] NFBN Senior Division - Updated Membership


Dear Fellow SD Members 3  important things

RE: Here is our 2017 Membership Roster (19 members) 


#1 Check the roster out. Make sure we have the correct info for you. Also,
if you are not on it, send in your dues and get reinstated! We need and want
your fellowship and support.


#2 Cheryl, watch for Bob Riley's dues; coming in the mail, with another
donation from his sales of white canes! 


#3 If any of you need a new white cane, Mister Riley (our very own member)
can make one for you!!! His canes are a good solid product. They are fiber
Glass with a metal tip. They are much like those we have been purchasing
from the Commission and the NFB. Plus.all the sales he makes goes to our
very own Senior Division's coffers! (I've order one just today.) 


Respectfully yours,

Robert Leslie Newman

President, NFBN Senior Division

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