[Nebraska-senior-blind] March Meeting Minutes, Finally

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Mon Apr 8 21:40:10 UTC 2019


Monday, March 11, 2019

The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference on Monday, March 
11, 2019. President Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:00 
PM CDT. Members present were: President Robert Newman, Vice President 
Barbara Loose, Secffetary Linda Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, 
Board Member Nancy Oltman, Chris Boone, Gina Finnell, Geralyn 
Konruff, Michael Jones, Brad Loos, Steve Senteney, and Jerry Whitlow. 
Guests present were: Warren Bennett, Don Fidone, Melvin Forster, 
Deanna Jesse, and Della Johnston from Nebraska, Jim Aldrich from 
Montana, Jim Babb from New Mexico, Bob Gardner from Illinois, Annely 
Rose from Florida, and Ruth Sager from Maryland.

Gina recited the NFB Pledge. Jerry will recite it next month.

Don Fidone was our first guest speaker. He took over Bob Riley's long 
white cane-making business. He is trying to grow the business so that 
he can employ a few blind people to make the canes. The canes are 
from 54 to 65 inches long for a cost of $21, and up to 70 inches long 
for $25. They have an NFB metal glide tip, which can be changed. He 
can make shorter canes for kids with smaller handles. His website is 
dcanes.com. He explained his workshop and the cane-making process. He 
answered lots of questions.

Deanna Jesse, Program Specialist for Older Blind Services with the 
Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, was our 
second speaker. She shared the plans for the upcoming Older Blind 
Conference called "Living the Full Life," which will be held May 8-9 
at the Holiday Inn in Kearney. This is for anybody over 55 who is or 
has been a client of the NCBVI. There will be exhibits, keynote 
speakers and breakout sessions.

Ruth Sager mentioned that the next National Seniors Division 
Conference call will be Tuesday, April 30, at 3:00 Central, 2:00 
Mountain, and will feature speakers from last year's retreat at Rocky 
Bottom in Sunset, North Carolina.. They are planning their second 
Retreat at the same location September 15-20. She is the contact 
person, and will send a flyer to Robert for our listserv.

Linda read the February Secretary's Report. There were no additions 
or corrections, so the report will be made a part of the record.

Cheryl read the Treasurer's Report as follows:

Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

March 11, 2019

Beginning balance February 11, 2019 $1382.44

Expenses: PAC Plan for March $15.00

Total Expenses $15.00

Deposits None

Ending Balance March 11, 2019 $1367.44

We received dues from Becky McCullough, which will be deposited next month.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

There were no questions, so the report will be made a part of our 
official record.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE. Chris went through the procedure for the upcoming 
Legislative Day, March 20. She also talked about LB17, a bill 
protecting the rights of blind parents when the state intervenes to 
take their children away or to put restrictions on their parenting 
abilities, which has been introduced. There are still things to be 
worked out because of concerns brought up at the hearing. The 
Appropriations Committee hearing for the Commission for the Blind 
went well. There were great testimonies about the Older Blind 
services and the VR Services. She thanked all who made phone calls in 
support of this. Those calls really had an impact. There is also a 
bill dealing with assistance dogs, which allows landlords to ask for 
a doctor's certification that the person has a disability and the 
disability will be assisted by a service animal or assistance animal. 
The Commission also has LB220, giving priority to blind vendors in 
state and county facilities here in Nebraska.

Robert reported that tomorrow three of us will be on a call with 
Carlos Servan, Executive Director of the NCBVI, talking about how the 
Friends can best serve the Commission in terms of helping get some 
funds, which may go for Seniors and other groups served by the 
Commission. He will report what happened at our April meeting.

Barbara asked Robert if he found an activity director to speak to us. 
He still hasn't, and he asked that, if any of us knows someone who 
might be willing to do that, we ask them.

BRAGS AND DRAGS. Melvin reported that Kim Richards had a leg 
amputated last week. They will probably have to take the other one later.

Gina received a birthday card that was stamped 1/1. The lady who sent 
it lives 36 miles away.

Jerry ended up in the hospital February 25. She was there six days, 
and had her gallbladder removed. She's home and doing just fine.

Gina said that there's a storm coming, and they cancelled dialysis 
Wednesday and Thursday.

brad is recovering from Pneumonia and Barbara from a sinus infection. 
They've been down for the last couple weeks. This is his fourth time 
of Pneumonia.

Nancy has had a very emotional week. Her minister's daughter had a 
heart transplant, and she is recovering. Her niece Julie's heart is 
only functioning 15 to 20%. Her 88-year-old brother-in-law, Floyd 
Hanson, is in the hospital with a blockage in his colon. They will 
not do surgery. She asked us to keep these in our thoughts and 
prayers, which we promised to do.

Robert shared a little about the cruise he and Bonnie went on. The 
weather was great. They rode a gondola and went on a whale watch. 
They went to the craft workshop. The blind come there from other 
islands because there's really no work for them. They make hand 
crafts. They're there mainly for solcialization and to make some 
money. Working at the workshop is the only way the blind can get on 
Social Security at age 65.

Jim Aldrich asked for Cheryl's contact information so that he can pay 
his membership dues.

We adjourned at 8:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary


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