[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] Final Corrected February Secretary's Report

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Tue Mar 10 01:49:05 UTC 2020


Monday, February 10, 2020

The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference Monday, February 
10, 2020. President Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:40 
PM CST. Members present were: President Robert Newman, Vice President 
Barbara Loos, Secretary Linda Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, 
Board Member Nancy Oltman, Geralyn Konruff, Brad Loos, and Steve 
Sentiney. Guests were: Gina Finnell, Linda Sakowski and Karen Walsh.

Linda Sakowski was our guest speaker. She is visually impaired, and 
went through the training center for three months at the Commission, 
and then worked as an Orientation Counselor at the Omaha office. 
Robert was her mentor, and then her supervisor. She has attended at 
least one national convention and many state conventions. She now 
works at the Weigel-Williamson Low Vision Center at Nebraska 
Medicine. They have satelite clinics in Lincoln and Grand Island, 
Nebraska, and Sioux City, Iowa. She does interviews and gives tests 
to see where the patient is having the most difficulty and where the 
best vision is. They evaluate causes of vision loss and determine how 
to best use the remaining vision. It can be better to shut one eye or 
move the reading material rather than the eyes. Karen asked how one 
goes about being evaluated. Linda replied that Medicare and other 
insurances cover a low vision evaluation as a medical appointment. No 
referral is needed. Someone wanting an appointment should call the 
Omaha Office at 402-559-2463. She explained how lighting, filters, 
magnification, and other tactics work for partially sighted/blind 
persons. Anyone working with an occupational therapist may borrow 
articles from the clinic in order to try them out and see what works 
best. They work with all the agencies and all the resources available 
throughout the state, and encourage people to take advantage of them, 
including Eastern Nebraska's Office on Aging. Robert encouraged Linda 
to put our Senior Division on their list. Barbara thanked her for the 
perspective of having people transition from thinking visually to 
thinking nonvisually.

Brad recited the NFB Pledge. Robert will recite it next month.

Linda read the January, 2020, Secretary's Report. It will be made a 
part of the record of the organization.

Cheryl read the February Treasurer's Report as follows:

Treasurer's Report Senior Division

Monday, February 10, 2020

Beginning Balance $1169.83


PAC for February $15.00


2/5 Dues-Bob Burns $10.00

Ending Balance $1164.83

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

It will be made a part of the financial record of the organization.

Barbara said they are still working on the video.

BRAGS AND DRAGS. Robert told us a little about Ski for Light. It was 
really high energy. There were lots of very happy participants who 
were excited about learning how to Snowshoe and/or Cross Country Ski 
or Downhill Ski. There were several adaptive devices because there 
were wounded Veterans who are paraplegics and quadriplegics. There 
were about 150 participants and 250 volunteers, some who have 
volunteered for a couple decades.

Gina thanked Linda for sending the laundry bag. She can zip it shut 
so that her socks and whatever won't get lost on the floor when she 
takes them out of the dryer.

Nancy is pleased to have upgraded her kitchen with a new sink, closet 
and countertop. Linda asked about her niece Julie. Nancy said she is 
doing really well.

There was no further business, so we adjourned at 8:27 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary
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