[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] September Secretary's Report and Note

Robert Leslie Newman robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 11:39:01 UTC 2020


I see only one change needing to be done. It is in the title of your report.
And if you used a spell checker, it would not find it; most, if not all
spell checkers would miss, it, because the miss spelled word is all in caps.
Here is the word - SECRESARY'S. It  should be SECRETARY'S.
Pretty funny! At first when Word saw it as correctly spelled, I was
thinking... WOW, I need to look up its definition; wondering if it was some
sort of a religious , secular word. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nebraska-Senior-Blind
[mailto:nebraska-senior-blind-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Linda Mentink
via Nebraska-Senior-Blind
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2020 9:09 PM
To: nebraska-senior-blind at nfbnet.org
Cc: Linda Mentink <mentink at frontiernet.net>
Subject: [Nebraska-Senior-Blind] September Secretary's Report and Note

Hello all,

First, let me tell you more about Schwan's Since our last meeting, they have
closed the Schuyler depot, and will be shipping orders via UPS, with
probably a $15 shipping fee. That means a styrofoam box with dry ice, which
we're not supposed to touch. I will no longer be ordering. If someone wants
to look into Schwan's as a fund-raiser, though, go for it.

Now, please find pasted in below and attached the Secretary's Report. 
Please let me know if I've left something out or something doesn't read like
it should, and, of course, if you find any errors! Smile.




Monday, September 14, 2020

The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference Monday, September 14,
2020. President Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:03 CDT.
Members present were: President Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos,
Secretary Linda Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy
Oltman, Chris Boone, Jo Boshart, Gina Finnell, Brad Loos, Steve Senteney,
and Jerry Whitlow. 
Guests present were: Gloria Olivo and Warren Bennett.

Jerry recited our NFB Pledge. Robert will recite it next month.

We discussed our convention meeting. We talked about having Cameo Rogers
come, but decided that would not be good at this time. Robert will try to
contact her. Suggested speakers were: Peggy Chong, the Blind History lady;
Duncan Larsen to talk about the Senior program she has developed at the
Colorado Center for the Blind; and the National Rep. After some discussion,
Cheryl moved, Jerry seconded, that we give $50 in doorprizes, 5 $10 gift
cards, to the NFB of Nebraska State Convention. The motion carried. Robert,
Brad and Nancy will do the fit breaks.

Robert mentioned that New Mexico's Senior Division will join us on our call
in November. He also talked about the upcoming National Seniors retreat.

Linda read the August Secretary's report. Barbara mentioned that we
expressed our condolences about Della, which Linda added. The report will be
made a part of the permanent record of the organization.

Cheryl read the September Treasurer's Report as follows:

Treasurer's Report Senior Division

Monday, September 14, 2020

Beginning Balance $999.83


PAC for September $15.00



Ending Balance $984.83

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

It will be made a part of the permanent financial record of the

Barbara mentioned that at some point we're going to need to think about
raising money. We will discuss it later.

BRAGS AND DRAGS. Robert and Bonnie went to Colorado for four nights.

Jerry's grandson and his girlfriend tested positive for COVID, but 
were not hospitalized. They are OK and back to work.

Chris asked Linda about her two friends mentioned in August. Donny 
Wright is almost through with whatever he's been on to get ridthe of 
infection that was in his back and heart, and will need heart 
surgery. Don Martenson is having surgery on his prostate the 29th to 
make it smaller so that he can get rid of the catheter.

A year ago today Jo got out of the rehab facility after she fell.

Gina scooped two inches of snow Wednesday. Fifty of her niece's 
classmates were sent home because of the COVID scare. Her niece got 
an upper respiratory thing, but tested negative for COVID. They are 
all better now and back to school.

Nancy asked about Geralyn. Chris said that she is in Florida, and 
will be having three back surgeries.

There was no further business, so we adjourned at 8:33 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary
  Oops! I may have attached it twice!

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