[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] Outlook users - Big Change? - FW: [tech-vi Announce List] From Office Watch: Why are there now two "Outlook for Windows"?

robertleslienewman at gmail.com robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 18:27:39 UTC 2022

Saw this today. Take a look!





From: tech-vi at groups.io <tech-vi at groups.io> On Behalf Of David Goldfield
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2022 12:02 PM
To: Tech-VI Announcement List <tech-vi at groups.io>
Subject: [tech-vi Announce List] From Office Watch: Why are there now two
"Outlook for Windows"?


>From the Tech-VI list owner: 

I have not yet had an opportunity to evaluate this newer version of Outlook
to determine its accessibility with screen readers.


Office Watch - Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 1:11 PM

Why are there now two "Outlook for Windows"?

Microsoft is hyping a new "Outlook for Windows" as a coming replacement to
the familiar Windows program giving both the same "Outlook for Windows" name
even though the two programs are completely different and the proposed
replacement is quite crippled.

Let's start with a little naming explanation because Microsoft seems
determined to continue making the labelling of "Outlook" as confusing as

See Too many Microsoft Outlook
%2BHZ5YIMLEq5csJavMRs%3D&reserved=0> 's - we explain them all

The new release is called "Outlook for Windows" but there are two programs
with that name:

*	Outlook desktop program - as supplied with Microsoft Office.  It's
the standard Windows application that's been sold with most Office bundles
for many years.  Microsoft itself calls this "Outlook for Windows" until
now.  We'll use the term "Outlook desktop" to distinguish it from .
*	Outlook web app - formerly called "One Outlook" or "Project
Monarch". It might look like Outlook desktop but the program is totally
different.  It's a sophisticated web page that looks like an app - what's
called a "Progressive Web App".

Calling this a "New" replacement for Outlook desktop is like calling a
Tricycle a replacement for an SUV!

See What
CWJuMZF0CDqePzK%2FF1col8%3D&reserved=0> 's in and out the new Outlook

The Outlook web app is now presented as the "New Outlook" an
update/replacement for Outlook desktop for Windows.  Some preview / Insiders
customers are offered the "New Outlook" from a toggle switch as if the
change is relatively minor.

Source: Microsoft

However, the two programs are fundamentally different in both how they work
and the features available. 

Giving them both the same name is quite misleading, presumably deliberately.

Adding to the confusion is Microsoft's indecision.  The Outlook web app was
originally a replacement for Outlook desktop apps. Then it became a possible
replacement for the Windows Mail, Calendar and Contacts apps which was a
more reasonable proposition. Now it's back to being an Outlook desktop

Amazingly, many media outlets seem willing to accept this confusing nonsense
as if it's quite normal. 

Let's be clear, Microsoft is pushing this new Outlook because it's better
for Microsoft.  

If they can force customers away from the familiar Outlook desktop app,
Microsoft will save many millions in development and support costs.  The
cost, confusion and inconvenience to customers is a lesser concern.

Try the New Outlook with no warning

Most people on either the Beta or Current Channel (Preview) can choose "Try
the New Outlook" but there's no warning about the severe limitations in this
alternative.  There's this note in the hyperventilating Microsoft blog.

You can switch back to your previous Outlook experience whenever you want.
Just switch the toggle off and it will automatically open your previous
version with no data or email loss.

The "no data or email loss" is probably true only because the limited
mailbox support in the new app means only cloud based mail services are

By all means, try the "New Outlook" but keep in mind its critical
limitations.  Just for starters: only one mailbox from a limited selection,
no searching and no offline support.

Keep the new Outlook separate

"One Outlook" / "Project Monarch" is a fundamentally good idea, though it
benefits Microsoft more than its customers.  Microsoft's ideal is a single
Outlook web app that works on both Windows and Mac (maybe Linux too).

Trying to sell it as a replacement to the familiar, trusted Outlook desktop
for Windows is misleading.  Presumably Microsoft is doing this to get more
free beta testers or deluded notions of how advanced the "New Outlook"
really is.

We have no problem with the ideal of a single Outlook code base that works
across both Windows and Mac. It would solve a lot of problems, especially
for Mac users.  

The trouble comes with the overselling of the currently limited PWA program
as a credible replacement to the comprehensive Outlook desktop for Windows.
Mac users get no mention and, as usual, are relegated to an afterthought.

It would be better if this trial software was offered separately to Outlook
desktop, which is what Microsoft has done until now.  Let users try out the
possible future Outlook alongside the known Outlook software, to the extent
of running both at the same time.

Instead, Microsoft appears to be considering its own needs ahead of their
customers. They've moving too fast with a still limited and lacklustre
alternative Outlook that's nowhere near ready for beta testing, let alone
offered as a Preview.

According to Microsoft there are "great new features" in this new Outlook
for Windows based on "your feedback".  That's Microsoft hype for adding some
features to catch up with the software it's supposed to replace.

Here's the Twitter message announcing the latest release.

The last two are minor and superficial, not core features that New Outlook

"Support for Microsoft accounts" - really?  Microsoft is boasting that
support for their own hosted mailboxes is only now available and that after
customer feedback?  Surely a Microsoft product connected to Microsoft
accounts is a given from the start?

Too many Microsoft Outlook
O8UbaKUNSBoM%2BD%2BblTY3uZc%3D&reserved=0> 's - we explain them all
Add an iCalendar .ics to an Outlook calendar but be careful



     David Goldfield 

Assistive Technology Specialist


Feel free to visit my Web site




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