[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] NFBN Senior Division September 11th - Special Guest with multiple accomplishments, Barry Scheur-

robertleslienewman at gmail.com robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 15:47:38 UTC 2023

Hi You All

RE- Our September meeting is on Monday, the 11th

Topic: This gentleman I met 50+ years ago; visited with him only once. And
WOW, a month back I ran across his name and called him. read the below BIO
and look forward to a very interesting presentation!

Barry Scheur Bio Barry Scheur, J.D. in his forty-five year career, has had
an astonishingly broad range of successes in law, healthcare, business, and
technology. The first blind graduate of Yale Law school, he has been a
partner in several national law firms, the founder of a venture capital
fund, a corporate turnaround expert, White House health care consultant,
hospital CEO, and developer and inventor of technology products for the

Contemplating retirement, Barry and his wife KaeAnn Rausch founded
GuidLights And Gadgets in 2012 and subsequently moved from Boston to Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina in 2016. "We thought of GuideLights as a hobby to keep
us stimulated and connected with the blind community; How wrong we were".

What started out as a "hobby" has turned into a fulltime endeavor with many
12 hour days and lots of travel. Here's how it happened.

For many years, GuideLights partnered with overseas manufacturers to produce
useful products for the visually impaired, including a talking power bank
and bone conduction headphones.

Three years ago, I learned that a company with whom we had previously
partnered designed a locking titanium telescopic cane. There hasn't been one
of these available for many years. Having worked with this company before,
we spoke to them about making a 60 inch model that would have 9 sections,
each of which could lock and unlock to allow for use at different lengths.
It can be used as a 54 or 48 inch cane by closing one or two sections. We
underwrote the cost of the manufacturing, and had 300 of them shipped to us
just a year ago.

They have been very well received because they are light, rigid, have both
rolling and contact threaded tips, and can be used both as an everyday cane
and as a backup. When closed, it is only 11 inches long with a diameter of

1.5 inches and easily stowable in a bag or purse.

The cane is silver with a red bottom section and the joints are luminescent,
meaning that it can be seen at night when walking. As can easily be guessed,
this kind of work takes lots of time, and the idea of just a "hobby" was a
long gone dream.

In addition to our canes, we distribute a line of talking medical products,
a wide variety of leather hands‐free pouches of all types and a broad array
of bags, cases and purses, some unique electronic items that we find useful,
and a line of products for guide dogs and their handlers to assist with
security, travel, comfort, and play (toys).

Some of our more popular leather products include the "no bouncey" pouchey
hands free phone pouch that works very well with AIRA and Be My Eyes, our
bottomless "Hermione" bag with two large compartments and also a hidden one,
a chest pack for carrying items securely, and a dog treat waist pack.

Our medical bundle is comprised of a highly accurate medical grade blood
pressure meter, an infrared non-contact thermometer, and a talking oximeter
which we developed in partnership with a medical products manufacturer.

We are pleased to let people know that we are now distributing the Victor
Stream 3 from HumanWare and the SensePlayer from Hims, both with our own
leather cases, sd cards and bluetooth headphones in promotional bundles at
prices just above the players' retail cost.

For additional information or to order, we can be reached as follows:

Barry Scheur (617) 969-7500  <mailto:barry.scheur at gmail.com>
barry.scheur at gmail.com or KaeAnn Rausch (781) 286-1696
<mailto:guidelightdogs at gmail.com> guidelightdogs at gmail.com Our website is:

 <http://www.guidelightsandgadgets.us> www.guidelightsandgadgets.us

We do not use online ordering as we most value talking with our customers
and helping them to decide whether a product is "right" for them.

Contents of this message:

*1: When and how to get on our monthly call

*2: Agenda

*3: The NFB Pledge

*4: reports

*1: When and how to get on the call

Date: Monday, September 11th

Time: 7:00 CT

Join Zoom Meeting:

 <https://zoom.us/j/97431318555?pwd=NmVpT2VhTEl4ZlczVElyZDYycDNGQT09> https:

One tap mobile:



Dial by your location:

+1 346 248 7799

+1 408 638 0968

Meeting ID: 974 3131 8555

Passcode: 637552

*2: Agenda

-First- Come to order, do introductions, and we have our NFB Pledge; voiced
by Chris

Second- We interact with our special guest, Barry Scheur.


-Discuss what is needed for the Division to reopen AND PERSUE our long held

-Whatever else members may bring.


- Update on affiliate news

- Whatever else we get from the membership.

-Brags and Drags

*3: NFB Pledge:

I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its

*4: Minutes from our last meeting:


Monday, August 14, 2023

The NFBN Senior Division met via Zoom on Monday, August 14, 2023. President
Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM CDT. Members present
were: President Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos, Secretary Linda
Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy Oltman, Dorothy
Babel, Chris Boone, Melvin Forster, Brad Loos, and Steve Senteney. Guests
present were: Kathy Brahmer, Gina Finnell, George Fischer, Deb Mauer, Eli
Sidders, Emily Sidders, and Ruth Schmeits.

Chris updated us on the health concerns of Jo Boshart and Geralyn Konruff.

Robert recited our NFB Pledge. Chris will recite it next month.

Members who attended the National convention in Houston, TX, shared thoughts
about meetings and tours. Barbara talked about some of this year's
resolutions. They are all on the National website.

Linda read the June 12, 2023, Secretary's Report. There were no additions or
corrections, so it will become a part of the permanent record of the

Cheryl read the August 14, 2023, Treasurer's Report. It will become a part
of the financial record of the organization.

Cheryl mentioned that our 2024 state convention will be April 11-14 in
Gering. Chris mentioned that we will be staying at the Monument Cobblestone
Inn and Suites, and our meetings will be held in the Gering Civic Center.
More information will be coming soon.

The next affiliate board meeting will be October 28 in Gering. Attendees
will travel there on the 27th.

Chris mentioned that our state president is going to step in as the interim
Executive Director of Blind, Inc. She will leave on the 18th of this month
and will return the 18th of November.

Linda asked about the progress of the videos we were going to produce for
Activity Directors in places where blind Seniors live. A short discussion

We shared brags and drags.

There was no further business, so we adjourned at 8:43 PM CDT.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary

Treasurer's Report Senior Division

Monday, August 14, 2023

Beginning Balance               $2075.83


PAC for July                          $ 15.00

PAC for August                                 $ 15.00

Total Expenses                                 $ 30.00



Ending Balance                                $2045.83

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

Respectfully yours,

Robert Leslie Newman

NFBN Senior Division, President

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