[Nebraska-students] Time is running out!

KD Rieken kdlachanteuse at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 20:04:09 UTC 2009

Just a friendly reminder: if you want to sign up for Idol and have not
done so already, contact me! If you don't want to sign up for Idol and
do want me to do a Britney impersonation... well, you'd better
reconsider. Unless I get 20 participants by Oct. 19, Britney will not
show up in Scottsbluff. no flattering, coaxing, bribing, or cajoling
will work; I must have 20 or more participants or I shall not make a
fool out of myself and no hilarity will ensue.
Much love and kisses,
Kayde Rieken
kdlachanteuse at gmail.com

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