[Nebraska-students] NABS Study and Suggestion time

Karen Anderson kea.anderson at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 02:41:56 UTC 2012

Hey all,


                A new semester has started, and we're all tackling new
classes, new professors, and new challenges. I thought it might be useful,
and fun, for us to have a time to get together, do some studying, and maybe
ask some questions of our fellow blind students. I don't know about you
guys, but lots of my professors are using technology more heavily than ever
before, and learning some of it has been a little challenging. In addition,
I know some students are taking classes that have some visual elements. So
let's meet up, and learn from each other's experiences.


My plan was to just hang out at Starbucks, 1201 P St., between 1:00 and 4:00
on Friday afternoon. Anyone who wants to drop by and keep me company is more
than welcome. If anyone outside the Lincoln area has questions, feel free to
call me then, or any time.


See you all soon,



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