[Nebraska-Students] NABS Meeting Tonight at 8:00PM CST

Brandon bjp998 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 14:59:36 UTC 2022

Hello everybody, 

I hope you all have had an amazing start to the school year! This e-mail is
to remind you all that we have a meeting scheduled for this evening at
8:00PM CST. We will de-brief onn the picnic that took place in July, among
other things. I hope you will all be there! 

Anyone who needs the Zoom information again, let me know and I can give it
to you. 

Have a great day, and see you all tonight at 8:00! 


Brandon J Peters-President of Nebraska Association of Blind Students. 


-------------- next part --------------
NABS Agenda for Meeting on September 6, 2022, 8:00PM CST
8:00PM: WELCOME and Call to Order 
Old Business
1. Reading of the last meeting's minutes by Rachna Keshwani (Secretary)
2. De-briefing about the picnic held on July 30th, 2022 at Holmes Lake. 
What went well? What didn’t go so well that we could all do better on and learn from? 
New Business: 
1. Treasurer’s Report update from Milla Krainak, (Treasurer)
2. Student Success College Workshop hosted by the Nebraska Commission: I will discuss with David DeNoteras and Eileen Rivera-Ley on what we as a division can do to help out. I may e-mail you guys a poll on which to vote if you would like, or you could offer other suggestions. 
3. Brainstorming ideas for October, and how we could participate in Blind Equality Achievement Month
4. Time for Talking: How are school preparations going? How are you all doing in general? 
5. Adjourn

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