[Nebraska-Students] Door Prizes FOR NFBN State Convention

Jamie K. Richey jamie.richey16 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 15:27:49 UTC 2023

Good evening fellow Federationists,


We are just over a month away from our 52nd NFBN State Convention and I know
that everyone is looking forward to door prizes. 


Please have fun and be creative. If you are unsure of what to donate, a gift
card or cash are great options, as they may be used state-wide.



If you plan to bring a door prize, please email me to let me know. My email
address is:


k_scherbarth at outlook.com <mailto:k_scherbarth at outlook.com> .



Please be sure to:

*	Clearly label items
*	Drop items off at the Registration area


Thank you for donating door prizes and we look forward to seeing you at






Kimberly Scherbarth 


k_scherbarth at outlook.com <mailto:k_scherbarth at outlook.com> 


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