[Nevada-Announce] Here I Go Again

nfb frida nfbfrida at gmail.com
Tue May 14 19:42:33 UTC 2024


Good afternoon.

First was Erik Williams, the beautician, and now is Sofía Solis.

After going for my blood test at Renown, I decided to stop by Bank of
America to take money out.

One thing lead to another till I discovered that my teller was Sofía Solis

I have to work on it and look up the exact details on the laptop, but our
organization, the local NFB  contacted a teacher who put us in contact with
now twelve-year-old Sofía. If memory serves me right, Sofía wrote an essay
for us and won an award.

I didn’t meet either one at the time, besides, it might have happened
during the pandemic.

We are always looking for members.

I think I made a good impression today on the teller, Sofía’s  mom because
while I was waiting for Uber, she came out to talk to me in English and
then Spanish. You think my accent gave me away?

As a blind person, I, on purpose was going step by step on how I do things
and trying to demonstrate to her how blind people do things. That included
my favorite device, the iPhone when came time for the two step
verification. I will reestablish contact with them. Someone else
established contact with the teacher and with them. Looks like I have to
work on this.

I am not writing to you from the iPhone because I must force myself to
email on the laptop especially now that things changed. Every other
Thursday or every Thursday, I go to the center to be trained since my
knowledge has been destabilized. For the sessions, I take my own laptop
with me. I am beginning to feel a little less anxious with it.
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