[New-york-news] Fw: Office Expenses on the 990

NFB NY Office office at nfbny.org
Mon Nov 23 20:54:38 UTC 2015

FYI for any questions that might have existed about the 990.


From: Burke, Bridgid 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 4:57 PM
To: State President, New York 
Subject: Office Expenses on the 990

About four years ago the IRS made several changes to the 990 form.  One of the changes included combing several kinds of expenses under Office Expense.  Office Expense on the 990 now includes supplies, telephone, postage, equipment rental and repair, and printing and publications; below is a list of the NFB of New York Office Expenses broken out by the categories:


Total Office Expense list on 2014 990 form: $150,036 ($148,538 of this amount is attributed to program, $1,497 is attributed to management and general)

·         Supplies $6,129.97   ($5,040.36 program, $1,089.61 management and general)

·         Telephone $6,146.65  ($5,840.90 program, $305.75 management and general)

·         Postage $780.57  ($754.32 program, $26,25 management and general)

·         Equipment rental and repair $755.00  ($679.50 program, $75.50 management and general)

·         Printing and publications $136,223.38  ($136,223.38 program)


The printing and publications category includes payments to the national office for NFB-Newsline.  In 2014, printing and publications expenses included approximately $4,000 for state convention printing and NFB Live and $132,000 for NFB-Newsline service for the state of New York.  NFB-Newsline service is funded by the State of New York through a contract with the NFB of New York.  By contract, NFB of New York sends payments to the National Federation of the Blind in Baltimore for NFB-Newsline service.


Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this information.


Bridgid M. Burke, MPA

Director of Program Support

National Federation of the Blind

1800 Johnson Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21230

(410) 659-9314 extension 2271

bburke at nfb.org

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