[New-york-news] Fwd: Coming up Wednesday: Self-Advocacy and Achieving Our Goals with Inclusion Leader Haben Girma

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Mon Mar 20 15:02:32 UTC 2017

Chancey Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator 
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library - New York Public Library 
Office: (212) 621-0627 
Text: (347) 632-8383 
Each email made with dictation, Braille and artisanal mistakes.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Chancey Fleet" <chanceyfleet at nypl.org>

Date: Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 10:36 AM -0400

Subject: Coming up Wednesday: Self-Advocacy and Achieving Our Goals with Inclusion Leader Haben Girma

To: <heiskelltech at googlegroups.com>

A conversation about inclusion, self-advocacy and achieving
our goals

With global inclusion leader Haben Girma

Harvard Law’s first deaf-blind graduate

Forbes 30 under 30

2013 White House Champion of Change

BBC Women of Africa Hero


Check out some stories about Haben!

She Owes Her Activism To A Brave Mom, The ADA And Chocolate


Deaf-Blind Law Grad Haben Girma Slays Every Expectation, But
Don’t Call Her an Inspiration




We hope you can join us on Wednesday, March 22, from 2:00 to
3:30 PM, at the Heiskell library (community room, first floor)! Please email ChanceyFleet at nypl.org
or leave a message at (212) 621-0627 to register. We’ll send you a Google
Hangouts invitation if you need to participate remotely. Visit
TalkingBooks.nypl.org for directions and a calendar of other events. (This is
an informal chat just for our community of patrons, so we’re not listing it
publicly on the website, but feel free to share it with your friends). 

Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627

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