[New-york-news] Help Wanted

Mike Robinson president at nfbny.org
Thu Aug 2 12:48:03 UTC 2018

Good Morning;


I have heard from a few people, and through the grapevine comments like "I
want to help with affiliate activities but don't know how to" and "why can't
I 'get in' on state projects".  These comments make me sad . and happy at
the same time.

Sad because people feel they cannot help at an affiliate level.

Happy knowing you folks want to help.

So, what can you do?  Simple.  CONTACT YOUR AFFILIATE PRESIDENT!  Believe
me, there's more than enough for everyone to do.  I just need to know you
are interested and how you would like to help.

We have lots of great things happening at the state level and I'm sure I can
find a good match for your interests.

So contact me and we'll talk!


Mike Robinson

NYS President

preasident at nfbny.org <mailto:preasident at nfbny.org> 




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