[New-york-news] Blind Parents of New York Conference Call for February

Heather Bird heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 17:42:55 UTC 2018

Our monthly conference call will be held this Sunday up-coming, February
18th at 8:30 P.M. If you need to come a little bit late due to bedtime
routines for your kid(s) that is absolutely alright. Just join the call and
listen in to the current conversational thread, and when the thought of the
current speaker is wrapped up, you will be greeted and can introduce
yourself. The call will run until people are getting tired and needing to
leave. Typically participants start to leave around 9:30, but some stick
around to chat until 10:00 or 10:30 and that is also just fine. The number
to call in is (605) 475-4786. The pass code to enter the call is 869480.
This month’s topic is a continuation of our ages and stages series and will
focus on elementary or intermediate school which typically begins around 2nd
or 3rd grade and goes through 5th or 6th grade, depending on how your
child’s district breaks up its primary, intermediate, middle, junior high
and high schools. We will be taking a look at the shift in social
interactions that begins around 3rd grade, the challenges of increasing
homework load and complexity, and other challenges which typically crop up
around this time.


A note about our scheduling policy for these calls. These calls will always
be held on Sunday evenings, for the foreseeable future. We will strive to
hold calls on the 3rd Sunday of the month whenever possible, for the sake of
community, however, we may occasionally have to use the 2nd or 4th or even
the 1st Sunday in a month. Board meeting calls for the NFBNY state affiliate
are usually held on Sundays, and sometimes fall on the 3rd Sunday of a
month. Sometimes holidays or NFB conventions or legislative seminars at the
state or national level will make the 3rd Sunday a poor choice. We will post
the details for the call to the New York News email list for the state of
New York, and to the Rochester NFB email list, as the call’s organizer is a
member of that chapter. Chapter presidents, please repost this to your
chapter’s email list, Facebook Page or Twitter accounts and share this
widely. We are working on a flyer that can be put into the packets that
NYSCB hands out. Candice has also set up a blind parents of New York email
list. We will be holding a list subscription contest in the month of
February into March, so please stay tuned.


All blind parents, grandparents, single parents, same sex parents, foster
parents, or other blind caregivers to children, such as daycare workers,
teachers, etc. are welcome on our calls. Sighted individuals may also join
the call, especially those who are partners, spouses or coworkers of blind
individuals who care for children. You need not be a member of the NFB to
participate in the calls. Guests who are members of the ACB or of neither of
the major blindness organizations are welcome to come and participate.


I hope to see many of you there.


Stay tuned as we are trying to procure Melissa Riccobono as a speaker for
one of our up-coming calls, potentially March or April, which will be a
totally awesome experience for sure.


Heather Bird

"They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't
a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I
wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a

Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." -
Martin Niemöller

In our diverse society we must never fail to speak up in the face of Human
Rights violations lest we be the next targets of such violations.


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