[New-york-news] Fwd: $40 accessibility study on Wed/Thu

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Mon Jun 11 21:42:23 UTC 2018

 Please see below for a compensated study. Note that I am traveling and will be unable to answer questions about this so please direct them to the study coordinator as per below. Thanks.

This message was made with one of many tools. Kindly forgive tiny keyboard typos, dictation mistranslations and Braille fails.
Chancey Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille & Talking Book Library — New York Public Library
Office: (212) 621-0627
Text: (347) 632-8383
From: Aaron Faucher <afauch at cmu.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 1:42:16 PM
To: Chancey Fleet
Subject: Re: $40 accessibility study on Wed/Thu

Thanks for your quick reply Chancey, we really appreciate your help!

You can forward the following message to your lists:
$40 research study for job seekers and professionals with disabilities

Hi everyone! I am part of a team of Carnegie Mellon University graduate students working with a financial services company on a project to improve the hiring experience for people with disabilities.

This Wednesday (6/13) and Thursday (6/14), we're looking to test some of our website prototypes. If you're a person with a physical or cognitive disability, and have some experience working in an office environment, we'd love to speak with you. We will reimburse you with a $40 Amazon gift card for a one hour study.

Please reach out to Asha at atoulmin at andrew.cmu.edu<mailto:atoulmin at andrew.cmu.edu> if you are interested in participating. Thanks!

Let me know when you're back, and I'd love to grab time to talk further about the project.

Many thanks again,

On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 4:30 PM Chancey Fleet <chanceyfleet at nypl.org<mailto:chanceyfleet at nypl.org>> wrote:
I’m traveling right now so can’t give this a great deal of time or attention but I’m happy to help. Please send me the recruitment announcement exactly as you would like it to appear and I will forward it to a couple of lists that might generate leads for you. I’d be happy to meet some other week to talk more in depth about your study.

This message was made with one of many tools. Kindly forgive tiny keyboard typos, dictation mistranslations and Braille fails.
Chancey Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille & Talking Book Library — New York Public Library
Office: (212) 621-0627<tel:(212)%20621-0627>
Text: (347) 632-8383<tel:(347)%20632-8383>
From: Aaron Faucher <afauch at cmu.edu<mailto:afauch at cmu.edu>>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 12:47:29 PM
To: Chancey Fleet
Subject: $40 accessibility study on Wed/Thu

Hi Chancey,

My name is Aaron, I am part of a team of Carnegie Mellon University graduate students working with a private financial services company on a project to improve the inclusiveness of their hiring experience.

We’re looking to test a website prototype with anyone who has a physical and/or cognitive disability. Some fellow Carnegie Mellon students mentioned that you were helpful to their project last year, so we wanted to connect!

Would you be able to connect us to any current/recent job seekers, or help advertise our study? We'd love to speak with people Wednesday or Thursday this week, or make a connection for future tests. We will reimburse participants with a $40 gift card for a one hour study, and would really love to get feedback from people directly about how useful some of our ideas might be.

Let me know what you think, thanks!

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