[New-york-news] Princeton University Looking for Beta Testers for audio description

Rachel Bodek rybodek at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 21:12:25 UTC 2018

Princeton University is Looking for Beta Testers for Student Project on Automated Audio Descriptions


Princeton University is looking for a beta testers to do usability testing on an exciting new student-led project. A computer science undergraduate student is building a digital tool that seeks to provide automated audio descriptions to video content. This is an ambitious project and your participation in the user research and usability testing of the tool could be instrumental in making it a reality. If you’re interested in participating, follow the directions below to contact the University representative coordinating the beta testing. 


*What is Expected of You*


The student will have some interview questions for you to determine your background with using audio descriptions. They will seek to find out what aspects of the current audio description experience you enjoy, and what you find frustrating. The student will also have samples of outputs and user interfaces for you to test whereby they will study the results of your interactions with the product. The goal is to make something useful and productive for folks who rely on audio description and you’ll be a valuable resource to making that a reality. 


*Dates and Times*


As of know the dates and times are undetermined. When the Princeton team has identified interested participants, they will work with those folks to schedule dates and times. 




Onsite testing will be conducted on the Princeton University campus at either the Computer Science building or at Green Hall. Parking permits can be made available as necessary. Based on responses from this invitation, there may also be rounds of testing that can be conducted entirely online and remotely. 


*Additional Information*


As this is a student initiative, there is no compensation for participating in this user study and beta testing. 


*Next Steps*


If you are interested in participating you are asked to contact Damian Sian <mailto:dsian at princeton.edu?subject=Interested%20in%20Beta%20Testing>  in the User Experience Office at Princeton University. 


Please include the following information in your response:


**Subject of email**


Interested in Beta Testing




·         First and Last Name


·         Email address


·         Preference for onsite testing or remote testing, how you currently use audio descriptions in your daily life


Damian Sian


Senior Web Accessibility Advisor


Princeton University


Office: (609) 258-6288


Mobile: (908) 938-8220



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