[New-york-news] Guide Dog Division Meets Blind Parents Conference Call Reminder

heather.l.bird at gmail.com heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 20:26:41 UTC 2018

Hello. Please join us this Sunday, October 28th at 7:30 P.M. if you are a
member of the New York Association of Guide Dog Users, or if you are a
member of the Blind Parents of New York Group. Also, guide dog handlers,
prospective guide dog handlers, or current or prospective blind parents,
whether they are NFB members, or ACB members, or those who choose to belong
to neither one are all welcome. This is an informational call to benefit any
and all blind parents/guide dog handlers, so please spread the word. This
call is the first in a series of NYAGDU calls where we work to build bridges
between our division and various other divisions and groups. We will cover
topics such as how to work a guide dog while wearing babies in carriers,
walking with toddlers and older children, pulling or pushing strollers, home
training with children at home, leaving children to train at an on-campus
program, juggling the demands of your children and your guide, ensuring that
your match is able to tolerate small children, and more. Please invite
anyone who cares for children or who works a guide dog to this call.
Individuals living outside of New York state will be more than welcome on
these calls, until and unless we consistently achieve numbers in access of
20 participants going forward. The call will take place beginning at 7:30
and will run until 8:30, but participants are welcome to stay on the line
and chat as late as 9:30. The call-in number is (605) 475-4786 and the pass
code is 869480. Please circulate this among your chapters, and your friends
and on guide dog or parenting lists. Want to discuss other travel logistics
as blind parents aside from guide dog related topics?


Please come to the Blind Parents of New York Call tomorrow, Wednesday
October 24th at 8:00 P.M. to discuss such topics as white cane use while
traveling with children, air travel, subways and buses, how to manage
children who are themselves white cane users, and more. The call-inn number
and pass code are the same (605) 475-4786 869480.


If you have any questions, please contact Heather NYAGDU (585) 739-6473 or
Candice, BPNY (585) 645-2716.

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