[New-york-news] Opportunity to participate in accessibility research at Cornell Tech

Lei Shi ls776 at cornell.edu
Fri Apr 5 15:16:05 UTC 2019


Our research group at Cornell Tech is developing a design tool for tactile maps. The tool has accessibility features that allow visually impaired people to create tactile maps independently. We are looking for volunteers to participate in a study to test the tool. Can you please help me spread the word?  We are looking for individuals who are or have worked as a TVI, braillist, O&M instructor, and model designer.  I attached a flyer that can be used to help recruitment. 

Eligibility: Participants must be at least 18 years old, and should have experience with instructional design and tactile materials.
Duration: The study consists of one session that is 1~2 hours long.
Compensation: Participants will receive $15 cash compensation for each hour of the user study, and transportation expenses up to $60 with valid receipts.
Location: The study will be held on Cornell Tech campus in NYC (2 West Loop Road, New York, NY). Alternatively, we can also conduct the study at your location.
Contact: Lei Shi  ls776 at cornell.edu <mailto:ls776 at cornell.edu> / 607.379.5586 or Elizabeth Kupferstein ek544 at cornell.edu <mailto:ek544 at cornell.edu>/ 516.778.9946

Lei Shi
Ph.D. candidate
Cornell University
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