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December 9,Verbal Description and Sensory Tour at the Rubin Museum
12:00–1:30 PM
Art isn't just forthe eyes. Verbal description and sensory tours at the Rubin Museum (RubinMuseum, 17 St, 7-8 St) afford our visitors who are blind or partiallysighted an opportunity to learn about the history, cultures, religions, andsacred arts of Asia.
RSVP access at rubinmuseum.org
December09 6:30-8 PM, Verbal Description and Touch Tour (Whitney Museum, 99 Gansevoort St) Inconjunction with the exhibition Jason Moran, musicians from Jazz at LincolnCenter & reception Reservations are required. 646-666-5574 or AccessFeedback at whitney.org
December 09& 10, CDPAANYS Listening Tour” advocacy visits. The purpose of these visits is for us tomeet with consumers, personal assistants and other concerned New Yorkers todiscuss recent policy changes and hear from the public. December 09 1 PM(Anna's Community Room, SILO (Medford); December 09 LILAC (TBA) , December 09 6 PM & December 10 noon (LGBT Center, 208 W 13 St #101)
These are informalpublic meetings, not official hearings, and are for consumers, personalassistants, family and friends. All locations are wheelchair accessible.Pre-registration information will be out shortly.
CDR Policy Office,99 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12210) 518-320-7100 x2230;
December10 10-11:30 AM, Autism Initiative Series: Understanding ASD-Co-Occurring Depression inASD: Signs and Strategies (), an overview of signs of depression in childrenwith ASD as well as strategies and resources for parents in supporting childrenwith ASD who are experiencing symptoms of depression. Adults only, no childcare212-643-2840 Ext 305 or autisminitiative at sinergiany.org https://nysrcasd.org/events/517/registrations/new
December 11th Tenement Museum Touch Tour
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Visitors will participate in an orientation session using tactilemodels of our historic tenement as well as architectural features before goingon a tour that will include touch objects and verbal description. Theorientation and tour will be an hour and a half long, followed by a receptionfeaturing local Lower East Side foods.1st Floor - Recommended Ages 5 and up. Tickets are free but reservationsare required. To make a reservation, email ezeira at tenement.org, orcall 1-877-975-3786.
103 Orchard Street (At Orchardand Delancey Streets)
December 11,For Visitors with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias at JM
For Visitors withEarly-Stage Dementia 11 am
For Visitors withDementia All Stages Welcome 2 pm
All Access Programsare free of charge and require advance reservation.
Please contact access at thejm.org or 212.423.3289 for more information or toregister, and indicate the tour time within your request.
December11 5-7 PM, NYPL Census 2020 Town Hall (Tompkins Sq Library, 331 E 10 St) Fullyaccessible to wheelchairs register https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nypl-census-townhall-blc-tickets-80874414551?aff=nyplwebsite ASL& CART available upon request. Please submit your request at least twoweeks in advance accessibility at nypl.org
Until December11, 4-6:30 PM, IWDs Fall 2019 (Supporting Health & Wellness for Young Women’s (14-21) withPhysical Disabilities Program (530 First Ave, 30-33 Sts) Register & info,Suzanne Hurwitz-Wallach 646-754-1350
December11 3-4:15 PM, Art Beyond Sight Webinar #4: Working as an Artist with a Disability – anArtist's Perspective register
December11 6-8 PM, Inclusion town hall with the TLC’s Office of Inclusion wascreated by the City Council to combat refusal of service in the taxi and for-hire vehicle industryand to support drivers who face discrimination. (431 W. 125 St) Info & RSVP212-531-1609
December 12,Programs for Visitors Who Are Blind or Partially Sighted at Met. Picture This!
Curators, guestspeakers, and Access educators share their insights on works of art usingdetailed descriptions, touch, and other activities.
Making Marvels:Science and Splendor at the Courts of Europe (current exhibition)
All programs arefree and reservations are required. Call 212-650-2010 or emailaccess at metmuseum.org for more information.
2–3:30 pm
December 12:Targeting social skills and communication skills
ADAPT Community Network
December12 2:30 PM, "ADA National Network Learning Session: FEMA's Section504 Disability Access Plan"
Registration: http://adapresentations.org/registrationEM.php Registrationcloses December 11 midnight. FEMA is engaged in implementing itsSection 504 Disability Access Plan to enhance access for PWDs & strengthencompliance with Section 504 of the Rehab Act. FEMA's Office of Equal Rights isleading this effort and will provide an overview of the 504 Plan and the fivefocus areas: Public Information, training and exercises, publishing the rightsof people with disabilities, disaster recovery programs, and facilities. FEMA'sOffice of Equal Rights seeks to build disability-related capacity within FEMAthrough the 504 Plan. This webinar will provide an overview of FEMA's 504Disability Access Plan and strategies the Agency is employing to address theneed for enhanced access for people with disabilities in the five focus areas.
December 13:Friday night fun for kids with disabilities, NYPL
December13 2-3:30 PM, Seeing through Drawing for visitors who are blind or lowvision, Les LiasonsDangereuses (1000 Fifth Ave) (1000 Fifth Ave, Art Study Room, Uris Center forEducation) Free; reservations are required RSVP access at metmuseum.org or212-650-2010 (voice)
December13 noon-2 PM, Mam BP’s Opioid Overdose Education & Narcan TrainingEvent. (NYC Health +Hospitals/Metropolitan, 6 Floor Auditorium, 1901 1 Ave). RSVP MetropolitanPublicRelations at nychhc.org
December 14,Programs for Visitors Who Are Blind or Partially Sighted at Met, Seeing ThroughDrawing
Be inspired by TheMet collection and learn innovative drawing techniques through workshops thatinclude experimentation with materials, verbal description, and creativeresponse to works of art.
Exhibition Tour—VijaCelmins: To Fix the Image in Memory
11 am–1 pm, Meet inthe Lobby at The Met Breuer
All programs are free and reservations are required. Call 212-650-2010 oremail access at metmuseum.org formore information.
December 14, Special Event! Celebrate the Holidays and TryNew Resources at Met-Programsfor Visitors with Dementia and Their Care Partners
You are invited tocelebrate the holidays and give feedback on some new resources to help makeindependent visits to The Met more enjoyable and accessible. Drop in for afestive cup of tea or spend the afternoon in the galleries!1–4 pm
Meet at The MetFifth Avenue in the Art Study Room, Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center forEducation, ground floor.
This event is free;reservations are recommended. Call 212-650-2010 or email access at metmuseum.org formore information.
December14 9:30 -10:45 AM, Inclusive Saturdays 8+: Arts Workshops for Childrenwith an ASD (Children’sMuseum of the Arts, 103 Charlton St)
December14 4-6 PM, Met Signs in the Studio voice) (ASL, no voice) - Printmaking (1000 Fifth Ave) Free withMuseum admission; no reservations required. (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, UrisCenter for Education, ground floor)
December 15:Inclusive education student summit
December 15, InclusiveSundays for Children with a Physical Disability, At Fine Arts
This weekly drop-offcourse encourages young people to collaborate and get creative in both FineArts and Media Arts. Students are given the space to be independent from theirparents, and activities are adapted to accommodate the specific abilities ofeach child. Students will explore the practice of combining various distinctvisual art media, such as paper, paint, textiles and sculpture, with newtechnology in our media lab such as animation, sound art, and photography. Theclass will also discover and discuss the work and techniques of notable mixedmedia artists. Students host exhibitions and visit other NYC cultural spaces onfield trips. 12:30 pm — 2:30 pm. Children'sMuseum of the Arts, 103 Charlton Street, NYC, 212.274.0986. Registrationrequired
December16 5-7 PM NYPL Census 2020 Town Hall (Parkchester Library, 1985 Westchester Ave,Bx) Fully accessible to wheelchairs register https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nypl-census-townhall-blc-tickets-80874414551?aff=nyplwebsite ASL& CART available upon request. Please submit your request at least twoweeks in advance accessibility at nypl.org
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