[New-York-News] Legislative Request on behalf of the National Association of Blind Students & New York Association of Blind Students

Justin Young jty727 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 22 19:53:37 UTC 2019

Hi All,

Hope you are enjoying the holiday season this December!  I'm writing
to let you know that the Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher
Education "AIM High" legislation has been reintroduced in Congress.
The bill numbers are H.R.5312 and S.3095 respectively.  The bills have
both Democrat & Republican initial co-sponsors, but none yet from New
York.  The National Association of Blind Students has begun a campaign
related to having blind students submit testimonies via the following
google form related to the issues faced in pursuing higher education.
I would like to thank the students who have already submitted
comments, but we would like as many as possible:


I'm sending this to the affiliate mailing list in case other students
may be reached via the multiple Chapters and other Divisions/Groups
who may not yet be members of the New York Association of Blind
Students.  I am not certain, but I strongly suspect this legislation
will be on the list of priorities focused upon during Washington
Seminar.  Washington Seminar as a reminder will be held from February
10-13 and State Funding applications are due by December 30 to attend
this event to advocate for legislation advancing the rights of blind

Thanks & once again hope you enjoy the Holidays!

Justin Young
Co-Chair, Legislative Advocacy Committee, National Association of Blind Students
President, New York Association of Blind Students

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