[New-york-news] Conversations on Visual Interpretation and Tech Trainers' Open Office Hours at Washington Seminar

Chancey Fleet chancey.fleet at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 23:09:03 UTC 2019

Behind the Lens: Conversations on Visual Interpreter Tech

Sunday January 27, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM:

Monday January 28, 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon:

How do visual interpreter platforms and equipment shape, extend and
constrain our skills and opportunities as blind people? How do business
practices and design choices affect us, and how can we affect them? How is
visual interpreter tech introduced, taught and positioned in the context of
blindness training? These informal discussion sessions are designed to help
us have an open, thoughtful, sales-free conversation about what visual
interpreter tech means in our community. Users, developers, workers and
anyone else with an interest is welcome.
Trainers’ Division Open Office Hours

Sunday January 27, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Monday January 28, 12 noon - 2:00 PM

Drop by to network, exchange teaching and learning tips, ask tech questions
and talk about how our division can best support our collective work.
Notes on Logistics

RSVPs for these sessions are optional but appreciated. Alternate
arrangements can be made for folks who would like to chat with a trainer
but have conflicting commitments. Please contact Chancey Fleet (President,
NFB Assistive Technology Trainers’ Division; 2018-2019 Fellow, Data &
Society Research Institute) at Chancey at datasociety.net or 347-632-8383.

These sessions will take place in the Senate Room at the Holiday Inn
Capitol, 550 C Street Southwest, Washington, DC. To find the Senate room,
make your way the long concourse toward the Capitol Ballroom. After you
descend a short flight of stairs or ramp, take an immediate right before
the FEMA security station. Proceed down a short hallway to find Senate:
it’s the first door on your right.
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