[New-york-news] Affiliate Legislative Alert

Justin Young jty727 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 19:02:43 UTC 2019

Hello All,

This message is related to two of our legislative priorities.  We have
received word that the State Senate will be voting on the Blind
Parents bill (S4536) today and with hard efforts from us all we may be
able to get the Assembly to also pass the bill.

The Newsline Senate bill (S3599) was passed on May 29, 2019 and is
pending in the Assembly Corporations, Authorities, & Commissions
committee.  It is our goal to try to get both or one of the respective
bills passed by the end of session.

I have attached to this message a draft message you can send to
members of the Judiciary & Corporations committees.  The other
documents are lists of the membership of these respective committees.
We are asking the following of all members:

Contact the Committee Chairs:

Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz (Judiciary Committee Chair) -
518-455-5965 dinowij at nyassembly.gov
Assembly Member Amy Paulin (Corporations Committee Chair) 518-455-5585
paulina at nyassembly.gov

We are asking these respective committee chairs to help get the
Assembly Blind Parenting & Newsline bills through the process so they
can get to the floor for consideration.

Contact the bill sponsors to thank them for their advocacy & encourage
them to contact members of the respective committees:
Assembly Member Joanne Simon - 518-455-5426 simonj at nyassembly.gov
Assembly Member Gary Pretlow - 518-455-5291 pretloj at nyassembly.gov

You can look up your member of the Assembly by using the following link:


If your member of the Assembly is on one or both of the attached
committee lists, we ask you contacting them.  If they are not on the
list, we still would appreciate you contacting them to request they
advocate with their colleagues to pass the bills.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in advancing the priorities
of the New York State affiliate of the National Federation of the


Affiliate Legislative Committee
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