[New-York-News] Join us Thursday evening — Learn about and discuss the Free Aira Pilot on MTA: Visual Interpretation for Transit Accessibility

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Tue Nov 19 19:04:49 UTC 2019

Calling all travelers! Public Forum on Transit Access and Technology
with the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities & Aira
Thursday Nov 21, 5:30 — 6:45 PM
Registration is NOT required for this event!
Andrew Heiskell Library
40 West 20th ST, Community Room
Aira, a visual interpretation on demand service, is being piloted by the MTA and is free to use on NYC transit through the end of the year on buses, trains and in stations.
Visual interpreter services can be a powerful part of a confident traveler's toolbox. You can work with an interpreter to do all kinds of things:
—Explore an unfamiliar station
—Preview walking or transit directions
—Read signs and printed announcements
—Check out the murals in the stations
—Learn what's out the window on a bus
—Use a touchscreen vending machine

Like all pilots, this one will be more informative if more potential users know about it. That's why the MOPD and Aira are teaming up for an evening of discussion about the pilot: how it works, how to use it, and how our community can get the word out so that anyone who wants or needs visual interpretation on transit can try it during the pilot period.
Please find the full event announcement below and consider sharing this free public event with folks in your personal and professional networks.


Please note as you're reading this mail
that I wrote it with thumbs, speech or braille.
Thanks for not minding
the typos you're finding
if these tools should happen to fail.
Chancey Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille & Talking Book Library — New York Public Library
Office: (212) 621-0627
Text: (347) 632-8383
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