[New-York-News] [NYPOBC] Distance Learning Survey
president at nfbny.org
president at nfbny.org
Tue Jul 21 16:15:36 UTC 2020
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Hello dear friends and parents of blind children:
I am passing along a link to a survey that I wrote as intern with the NY state Commission for the blind. The goal is to gain understanding into how blind children and their families experienced the quick transition and sustained period of distance learning. The survey is limited to NY State. I will be collecting responses for 2 weeks ending on August fifth. We greatly value any feedback that you may have to offer. Please write or call with any questions.
Email: maurakutnyak at gmail.com <mailto:maurakutnyak at gmail.com>
Phone: 716-563-9882
Maura Kutnyak
I've invited you to fill out a form:
<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdR83eidDedgbHlm12qmoS7s1v-t2xbzQ2pDLNBiZG1NmvFow/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link> Distance Learning Survey
This survey is intended to gather an understanding of how blind children and their care givers experienced distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. By collecting information from across New York State, we hope to identify areas for improvement and find out what worked. This may help us better serve your children in the future. Respondents to this survey may be, parents of blind children, teachers of the visually impaired or others with direct knowledge of one or more blind child’s educational picture. Survey topics include: communication, technology, educational materials and braille. We thank everyone for your voluntary participation. Together, we are the network which frames and supports the future success of these rising stars.
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